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#+-| 285 |----------------------------------+#################################
#| +-----+ Attempt to access a field at EOF |#################################
###| Program has attempted to read from or write to a field variable when |###
###| the database is at EOF.  If the FORCE variable __field_eof is FALSE, |###
###| then a field can NOT be accessed when the database is at EOF.        |###
###| Be sure you know WHY it is permissible to access field data at EOF.  |###
###| Under normal circumstances, it is not advisable to reference a field |###
###| at EOF.  However, you might want to access the field in a relation   |###
###| (i.e., where the parent has the record and the child doesn't).       |###
###| see data.hdr.                                                        |###

See Also: The Escape Hatch BBS System - 703-373-0575 - Dual/HST Powered!
This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson